Glenn is a fourth grade teacher at Rising Star Elementary and a graduate of the Seattle Teacher Residency’s (STR) second cohort.

Glenn is a fourth grade teacher at Rising Star Elementary and a graduate of the Seattle Teacher Residency’s (STR) second cohort. He heard about STR while working in Seattle schools as an Americorps member. He was intrigued at the possibility of teaching in Seattle in a Title 1 school, with the community of students that he was already working to support.
It was important to Glenn that STR was intentionally recruiting future teachers of color. He wanted to become an educator and saw STR as the right pathway. When he became an STR resident, he gained knowledge about best practices, tools, and strategies to become an effective teacher. Years later, as an STR mentor, he was able to see what new ideas were being brought to the table with a current resident in his classroom. Glenn says, “There’s constant learning and constant growth that goes into being a resident and being a mentor. I’m not just staying stale or staying put in my profession, I’m getting new ideas constantly.”
Glenn loves the work that he does in the classroom and goes in every day knowing how to engage his students in meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that honor their identities and backgrounds. Glenn sums it up saying, “This is my eighth year of teaching and there’s no end in sight because I had such a strong start.”
Learn more about the STR program and consider supporting a teacher like Glenn with a gift to celebrate 10 years of teacher preparation in Seattle.