Join the Alliance for Education in 2025 for our Pearl Anniversary, celebrating 30 years of partnership and progress investing in Seattle’s students.

Author: Lisa Chick, President, Alliance for Education
Schools are the heart of any community, and Seattle’s public schools are no exception. We are fortunate to have incredible, thriving, high performing public schools across our city. They are the pearls of our community– a treasured and essential part of an ecosystem that nurtures future generations, drives innovation, and reflects our shared commitment to equity and opportunity. Like pearls, our schools have been shaped over time by layers of support, care, and investment from educators, families, and community partners. They shine brightest when all parts of the education ecosystem work collaboratively, ensuring every student has the chance to succeed.
This year marks the Alliance for Education’s Pearl Anniversary, a celebration of 30 years of partnership and progress. We are proud to play a pivotal role within this ecosystem serving as a bridge between Seattle Public Schools (SPS), parents and families, community-based organizations, and the public, corporate and philanthropic sectors. For over 30 years, we have proven that collective impact can drive transformative change.
Our work is multifaceted: shining a light on the strengths and needs of the district, bringing the voices of students and families to the surface, and harnessing community resources and innovation to address challenges in our educational ecosystem. These efforts require a dual focus– investing in what works and courageously tackling what doesn’t. When faced with the inevitable problems in a public education system, we don’t turn away; we lean in. This mindset represents more than persistence– it’s a commitment to stay the course, and “flip the physics” on hard challenges, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and strength.
Imagine this: If a student is struggling in school, you don’t simply criticize or give up. You identify what’s working well and cultivate it. Where challenges exist, you engage, learn, and seek solutions. The same approach should define our community’s engagement with our public schools. We must celebrate and invest in successes. And when we encounter challenges, our collective response must be one of curiosity, determination, support and consistent partnership.
At the Alliance, we have seen firsthand what’s possible when collaboration and commitment are at the center of our approach. From supporting innovative programs like the Alliance’s Seattle Teacher Residency (STR), now in its 12th year of preparing excellent teachers for Seattle’s schools most impacted by poverty, to advancing initiatives that address gaps in basic needs like the Right Now Needs Fund, we’ve demonstrated that the most significant progress comes when we work together and align efforts across sectors.
Seattle is uniquely positioned to succeed when it comes to addressing community challenges, and especially in our schools. Seattleites value learning and champion equity. Our community contains unparalleled resources and has a long-standing culture of innovation. If any city can succeed in generating a thriving and equitable public education system, it’s Seattle.
Today our work is far from finished. As is true in all large urban public school systems, inequities still disproportionately affect students experiencing poverty and students of color in Seattle. This reality compels us to recommit to nurturing every facet of our “pearl”– to ensure that every student has access to the education they deserve. As a community, we must commit to quieting critique that comes without support, and to rolling up our sleeves to focus on solutions that work grounded in equity and excellence.
So, how can you help? Start by showing up. Show up for our students by learning about the strengths and complex challenges our district faces. Show up for the community by supporting impactful initiatives like the Right Now Needs Fund, the Seattle Teacher Residency, or the district’s strategic plans. Show up by asking questions, listening carefully, challenging assumptions, and amplifying successes we can build upon.
In 2025, the Alliance will celebrate 30 years of partnership, progress, and investment in our public education system. It’s an opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come, but more importantly, it’s a call to action for what’s next. Seattle’s public schools shine brightest when we care for and invest in them. We invite you to join us, this year and beyond, in nurturing our public schools as the pearls of our community– a symbol of hope, equity, and opportunity.